Web Scraping imgur.com

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I’m trying to “scrape” images from Imgur using BeautifulSoup and requests but I’m only getting the first page of results. Why?
The example URL we’re given is http://imgur.com/r/funny
The code uses requests to fetch the HTML and BeautifulSoup with html5lib to parse it.
If you don’t have these install already you can use install them using pip e.g.
pip install beautifulsoup4 requests html5lib --user
One thing to note is that imgur.com has an api.
  • You use it, taking the blue pill—the article ends.
  • You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep a JSON response goes.
Remember: all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.

“Developer Tools”

Usually the first step to take is to debug the page in question inside your browser using the “Developer Tools” (although currently it seems to called “Web Developer” in Firefox) mainly the Inspector tab and the Network tab.
So normally when you scroll down to the end of an Imgur results page it will automatically load the next page of images.
I’m using Firefox as my browser (although Chrome also has “Developer Tools”) with Javascript disabled (using the NoScript extension) so when I scroll to the end of the page I see a “loading”icon and the next page is never loaded.

This means that the “load next page” functionality is implemented using Javascript. Neither requests nor the urllib modules can execute Javascript meaning we will only get the first page of results when using them to fetch the HTML.
One option is to debug the HTTP requests being made by the Javascript and try to replicate them with requests.
To debug HTTP requests we can view the Network tab.
You may have heard of the Inspector tab which you can access by right-clicking on a page and selecting Inspect Element.

Do note that the Inspector tab shows your browser’s representation of the page after it has parsed the source HTML and as such it may differ from the actual source HTML.
With the Inspector tab open we can simply select the Network tab.

After opening the Network tab I have selected the XHR filter to show only those type of requests. This stands for XMLHttpRequest which is what the requests made by Javascript are classed as.
As we know the page is using Javascript to fetch the data we know it will be an XHR request so viewing only those requests will simplify things.
I then enable Javascript (as I have it disabled) and reload the page. The Network tab will only show requests that have been made after it was opened.
So we can see a GET request was made to http://imgur.com/r/funny/new/page/1/hit?scrolledand its return type was HTML.
If we scroll down further to load the next page of images we see another GET request is made, this time to http://imgur.com/r/funny/new/page/2/hit?scrolled
All that changes in the URL is the page number i.e. 1 -> 2 and as 1 gives us the second page of results we can assume that 0 will gives us the first i.e.
This suggests we could loop through a range() of page numbers to build the needed URLs and then parse out the image links from the HTML.
The images on the results page however are just “preview” images and not the actual content we’re looking for. Also, it’s not just “images” we’re dealing with as some are “videos”, some are “albums” of “images”.
So let’s scroll back up and click on one of the images to open the individual image page. Before clicking we will hit click the “basket” icon to the left of Inspector to clear out the Network tab to make it easier to focus on the new requests being made.

We can see a similar request is made to the previous XHR requests except hit?scrolled is replaced with hit.json and we get back a JSON response.
If you click on the Response tab over on the right-hand side panel you can view details about the response.
Another useful feature is that right-click on a request and Copy as cURL which will give you the full curl command that can be used to replicate the request which can be very useful for testing things out from the command-line.

We can add -o filename to the end of the curl command to store the output into filenameinstead of just printing the result if needed.
Using the exact command is not always necessary but at the very least you will want to set the User-Agent header which is what we’ll do here.
We’re also going to pipe the result through jq which will pretty-print the JSON and finally using shell redirection to write the result to file.
$ curl -A Mozilla/5.0 'http://imgur.com/r/funny/new/page/0/hit.json' | jq . > imgur.json
You could of course use requests along with json.dump() to do it directly from Python and there’s also httpie.
You may have also noticed the Copy Response entry in the right-click menu which as the name suggests copies the response to your clipboard.


The JSON response received has a structure like

  "data": [
      "id": 4735008625,
      "hash": "pNuFUQQ",
      "author": "SlimJones123",
      "account_id": null,
      "account_url": null,
      "title": "Abra Kadraba Alakaslam",
      "score": 18352,
      "size": 18087775,
      "views": "18551",
      "is_album": false,
      "album_cover": null,
      "album_cover_width": 0,
      "album_cover_height": 0,
      "mimetype": "image/gif",
      "ext": ".gif",
      "width": 720,
      "height": 720,
      "animated": true,
      "looping": true,
      "reddit": "/r/funny/comments/6a02ma/abra_kadraba_alakaslam/",
      "subreddit": "funny",
      "description": "",
      "create_datetime": "2017-05-05 14:42:36",
      "bandwidth": "312.50 GB",
      "timestamp": "2017-05-08 18:50:03",
      "section": "funny",
      "nsfw": false,
      "prefer_video": true,
      "video_source": "https://www.instagram.com/p/BTW71oaA8DL/",
      "video_host": null,
      "num_images": 1,
data has 100 entries meaning using hit.json gives us 100 results per page and each entry contains lots of information, hashauthorviews, etc.
$ jq '.data | length' imgur.json
We could also use Python’s json.load() to get that information.
>>> import json
>>> with open('imgur.json') as f:
...     j = json.load(f)
>>> len(j['data'])
… or just use requests to make the request as mentioned.
>>> import requests
>>> url = 'http://imgur.com/r/funny/new/page/0/hit.json'
>>> r   = requests.get(url, headers={'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
>>> len(r.json()['data'])
requests has a .json() method on response objects which saves us having to call json.loads()manually. Also note that HTTP header names are case-insensitive although feel free to use User-Agent if you prefer.
If you’re not familiar with JSON it’s just a “file format” that is used for passing data around. It looks similar to a Python structure and in this case it’s valid Python too.
>>> j = {
...   "data": [
...     {
...       "id": 4735008625,
...       "hash": "pNuFUQQ"
...     }
...   ]
... }
>>> type(j)
<type 'dict'>
So we have a dict with the key data whose value is a list.
>>> type(j['data'])
<type 'list'>
And this is exactly what we get when from from the call to .json() or one of the json.loadmethods as they turn JSON data into an equivalent Python structure.
So as mentioned above we’re not just dealing with single static images. If you “hover” over the images in the list of results it shows you the image “type” and the amount of views.

There appear to be 3 types
  • image
  • animated
  • gallery
We can see this information inside the JSON response
"hash"    : "pNuFUQQ",
"is_album": false,
"animated": true
So if is_album is false and animated is false it’s a regular single image.
If is_album is false and animated is true like in this example it’s a single “video”.
"hash"    : "pNuFUQQ",
"mimetype": "image/gif",
"ext"     : "gif"
It does say it’s a gif but Imgur also serves mp4 versions of the gif files.
As we have the hash and the ext to build the URL we can simply replace .gif with .mp4
$ curl -I http://i.imgur.com/pNuFUQQ.gif
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Last-Modified: Fri, 05 May 2017 14:42:40 GMT
ETag: "b5467c538aa52d7ea066a7a7bfa6d574"
Content-Type: image/gif
Fastly-Debug-Digest: 3a99bef1064a006c1e74d60486dfbae1791a3220c40c0fe005a08f3b801784bc
cache-control: public, max-age=31536000
Content-Length: 18087775
If we change extension to mp4
$ curl -I http://i.imgur.com/pNuFUQQ.mp4
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Last-Modified: Fri, 05 May 2017 14:42:38 GMT
ETag: "56a70bd6a18458c2a95c33934df5a692"
Content-Type: video/mp4
Fastly-Debug-Digest: 95f433cb7680d8ce3e9289d820027d124861898b9723658660d494906c2eb2e7
cache-control: public, max-age=31536000
Content-Length: 903448
Note the substantial difference in the file size 903448 vs. 18087775 bytes. We will just use the mp4 extension when we encounter a gif.
So that is image and animated types taken care of what about album?
I looked around to located an album with a large number of images and foundhttp://imgur.com/r/funny/rtYyh

If we look at the Network tab as we click on the Load more images button we can see the XHRrequest being made.

The request is made to http://imgur.com/ajaxalbums/getimages/rtYyh/hit.json and we get back a JSON response with details about the images contained in the album. Note that the hash (i.e. rtYyh) is passed along in the URL itself.
We’ll use the curl | jq combo from earlier to get a pretty-printed version of the JSON response saved to disk.
$ curl -A Mozilla/5.0 'http://imgur.com/ajaxalbums/getimages/rtYyh/hit.json' | jq . > imgur-gallery.json
httpie mentioned earlier is a “curl-like” tool written in Python that gives you a single httpcommand which you could use instead.
$ http --pretty format http://imgur.com/... User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 > imgur-gallery.json
Either way the JSON response has a structure like
  "data": {
    "count": 26,
    "images": [
        "hash": "5MXcg9i",
        "title": "",
        "description": null,
        "width": 701,
        "height": 943,
        "size": 6597,
        "ext": ".png",
        "animated": false,
        "prefer_video": false,
        "looping": false,
        "datetime": "2017-05-03 06:00:48"
        "hash": "otDOcL6",
        "title": "",
So we have the count of images in the album and the list of images with each hash and extmeaning we can build their URL e.g. http://i.imgur.com/hash.ext
Do recall that we got 100 results from our page/N/hit.json which would suggest there is a limit of 100 results per call. If an album has multiple Load more images buttons there is probably a similar “page” type syntax for the getimages/hash/hit.json call however without debugging such a page we cannot be sure how it works.


So now that we know what requests are being made we can attempt to replicate them with Python.
We will first show the output.
$ python imgur.py | tee imgur.log
$ wc -l imgur.log
152 imgur.log
So from the 100 entries we ended up with 152 “images” due to some of them being albums containing multiple “images”.
Here is the code.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
import requests imgur = 'http://i.imgur.com/{}{}' page_api = 'http://imgur.com/r/funny/new/page/{}/hit.json' album_api = 'http://imgur.com/ajaxalbums/getimages/{}/hit.json' with requests.session() as s: s.headers['user-agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0' url = page_api.format(0) j = s.get(url).json() for entry in j['data']: if entry['ext'] == '.gif': entry['ext'] = '.mp4' if entry['is_album']: url = album_api.format(entry['hash']) j = s.get(url).json() for image in j['data']['images']: if image['ext'] == '.gif': image['ext'] = '.mp4' url = imgur.format(image['hash'], image['ext']) print(url) else: url = imgur.format(entry['hash'], entry['ext']) print(url)
So firstly you’ll notice there is no BeautifulSoup.
This is because we’re kind of making “API calls” directly and getting the data in JSON meaning there is no HTML involved at all.
The {} in our imgur variable is a placeholder for use with str.format().
Each {} gets replaced with the corresponding argument passed to the format() call e.g.
>>> imgur = 'http://i.imgur.com/{}{}'
>>> imgur.format('hash', '.ext')
Obviously in this example we could also use imgur + hash + ext as we just need to append to the end but perhaps a better example of format() is when you need variable data “inside” a string.
>>> page_api = 'http://imgur.com/r/funny/new/page/{}/hit.json'
>>> page_api.format(0)
When making multiple requests with requests you’ll usually want to use a session object to maintain “state” and keep track of cookies.
You’ll also pretty much always want to set the User-Agent header which we set here to Mozilla/5.0 as the default User-Agent tends to be blocked.
So we get() the first page of results from page/0/hit.json however you could use a loop to process multiple pages.
for n in range(3):
    url = page_api.format(n)
We then loop through each entry changing any .gif extension to .mp4 but you can of course skip this part if you wish.
If the entry['is_album'] we then generate the URL to the ajaxalbums/getimages “API call”and process the resulting ['data']['images'] list.
There is some slight code duplication here which suggests we could create a function but we’ll leave that for now.

The final goal is probably to save the images to disk which you could implement using requestsinstead of just printing the URLs.


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